We Offer Tons Of Great Fun, Relaxation, Fellowship And Worship At Every Retreat!
Our retreats often combine a blend of Pampering!

A tea party – with hats, of course!

Music and teaching from God’s Word!

Sharing laughter and tears with other women!
Catherine Harsono has brought a wonderful blend of scripture knowledge and a heart of worship. Now living in Virginia, Catherine has experienced many cultures from her own native Indonesia, to Thailand, Australia, Italy, and Canada. Having led a care group for women in difficult relationships in Thailand, she brings a very unique understanding to her speaking God's Word.
Lynn Johnson has an MA in ceramics from the University of Iowa and demonstrates with her pottery wheel how our Master forms us and refines us for Him! Lynn and her husband Jim have two sons, three grandsons, and have lived in Sioux City since their wedding day 44 years ago. She still teaches pottery and substitute teaches in the area, and they both attend a local church. Lynn loves orange, sunflowers, and Jesus!
Christie Dougherty is a dynamic speaker, lovingly serving God’s living bread to her audience. She and her husband met while serving as missionaries on the Mercy Ship Doulos. Before returning to LeMars, IA, they ministered at Bible Camps in Alaska and Colorado. These days Christie keeps herself busy teaching at her church and raising their three sons.
Above all else, The King’s Daughters want to give glory and honor to our Father. Worship is a very important part of our ministry.
Shirley Anderson, former pastor’s wife and Bible Study Fellowship leader teaches God’s truth from God’s Word, sharing from a lifetime of growing in Jesus. Her daughter, Karin Garr speaks from living overseas as a missionary in the Netherlands, Russia, and Thailand. Together they invite you to sit with them a while and hear what it is like to live in an earthly kingdom and compare it to what awaits us in God’s heavenly Kingdom.
At the end of our teaching time, we spend time at the cross and leave our burdens here.
The tea parties! Every retreat at every location is slightly different, but always beautiful and the food delicious.

Pampering! In the past we have had pampering at every retreat. Check with us for future retreats when we will have pampering to offer again.

Enjoy a makeover!
Soften your hands with a paraffin dip!
Enjoy a manicure

At a Princess Retreat, we endeavor to pamper ladies like royal princesses. Because women are usually nurturing by nature, we tend to give and give and give, often selflessly, and do not take time to be refreshed. We invite ladies to spare a few hours to come away and let God refresh and renew us. We all need to be reminded of our value and worth in God’s eyes.